For all of you who have been following along here is this week's lesson from our Sky's Revival Radio series - "Revival Begins With You!"  It has been so great to be part of your lives as we travel and share the Gospel!

     Sky's Revival Radio, has become our way to try and be an encouragement on a more regular basis. Each lesson has been intended to take up where we have left off at the end of our concerts. There is only so much that can be shared in one or two evenings.  We have now almost completed our second full year of being on the air, however, for all those who are not near any of the stations we also send them out by email or else you can listen to them on under radio programs. I keep them updated every week. So I hope they will be a blessing to you! Be sure and check them out! You can go back and start from the beginning if you are just joining us for the first time. They are all available to be listened to or downloaded for listening to later.


Here is this week's lesson for Skys Revival Radio!
Skys Revival Radio lesson 48 - "There is no such thing as an old covenant Christian"



God bless!
